Shallow Hole Blasting Ore Mining

Effective evaluation of deep-hole blasting for controlling …

The depth of coal exploitation is increasing at a rate of approximately 20 m per year in China. 8 Different from shallow coal seams, in-situ stresses are large in deep, ... Results show that before deep-hole blasting, mine tremors (#1–4) occurred mainly due to the tensile fracture of the overlying rock. Due to the deep-hole blasting, the ...

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Topic 9: Mining Methods Part V- Underground Mining

of shallow mines. Rock-bursts underground, causing injury and death in deep level mines. The cavity closure is either partial, for shallow mining, or complete, for deep level mining. 1)Longwall mining

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Long hole drilling applied to narrow reef mining

Drilling drives are 2.8 metres wide by 1.6 metres high to accommodate the Tamrock Solo LP 126 LC10. Details of the machine are shown in the Appendix. The width of 2.8 metres is to suit the long hole drilling feed equipped with 1.2 metres extension steel. The height is to suit the 1.3 metre height of this drilling rig.

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Application of a new mining method to slightly inclined thin orebodies

A new mining method was proposed to resolve these issues. The new method is called 'vertical strips with T-shape mining method and shallow-hole millisecond-delay blasting technology'. The T-shape mining with vertical strips can reasonably improve the stability of the roof exposed area, and significantly reduce the ore-dilution because of no ...

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An assessment of ore waste and dilution resulting from buffer/choke

The blast designs usually call for relatively shallow holes/benches (< 11m) with small blastholes (∼ 165 mm), small burdens and spacings (< 5 m), often with 50% or more of the hole stemmed. Control of blast-induced horizontal movement is desired because the ore is assayed in place from the blast-hole drill cuttings and digging …

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Coal mining

Highwall mining is an adaptation of auger mining. Instead of an auger hole, an entry into the coal seam is made by a continuous miner, remotely operated from a cabin at the surface. ... Where strata are hard, …

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Study on Mining Pressure Law and Pressure Relief Control …

The pressure relief blasting is placed 20 m ahead of stop mining line (Fig. 14), and the blasting holes are fan-shaped, The borehole lengths are 85 m, 65 m, 86 m, 70 m, 58 m, 48 m, 40 m, 35 m, and 30 m, and the angles with the coal seam are 10°, 15°, 20°, 26°, 30°, 38°, 45°, 57°, and 69°, a total of nine holes; three green holes among ...

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Cutting in Underground Mining | SpringerLink

Cutting Drift. It is a necessary sinking and driving engineering used to form the blocked-out ore reserves in the stope (or ore blocks), and to form the free surface and compensation space during stoping blasting, and to provide good ore drawing conditions in stopping. Its layout is related to the stoping sequence and mining methods in the stope.

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Room-and-Pillar Mining with Subsequent Backfill

In the overhand mining, the bottom layer is first mined, and then the upper layers are mined in turn. In the underhand mining, the top layer is first mined fully or in advance with shallow holes to form the underhand step working face, and then the horizontal blast hole or the vertical hole is drilled for ore breaking.

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Characteristics and Control Measures of Deep and Shallow

To solve the problem of large deformation of deep soft rock roadway, taking the soft rock roadway of no. 1 coal mine in New Shanghai as an engineering example, the deformation mechanism of surrounding rock of deep soft rock roadway is analyzed by combining theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field test, and the control …

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Research on the mechanism and application of wedge cutting blasting …

Many studies have demonstrated that conventional wedge cutting blasting can achieve an acceptable rock breaking effect and high hole utilization in shallow hole blasting driving, but obtaining a ...

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Narrow Vein Mining Fit for the Future | E & MJ

Programmable blasting caps can even enable mines to take larger stopes; if you can open up a larger stope through blasting, that can help with increased productivity." Safety has been a primary driver in the adoption of mechanized mining. The use of handheld mining equipment like jacklegs are often associated with musculoskeletal diseases.

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(PDF) Open Pit Mining

bench blasting, the normal blast hole patterns are square, rectangular, and stag-gered, Figure 13. ... a. mining a shallow high-grade ore body in favorable geological and climatic. conditions.

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2024 Mining Terms Explained | An Underground Miner

Room-and-pillar mining - A method of mining where rooms of ore are dug out while pillars of untouched material are left to support the roof. Rotary drill - A drilling machine that uses a rotating motion to cut into the rock, typically used for drilling large-diameter blast holes in open-pit mines.

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Analysis of damage characteristics and optimization of …

blasting cost and effect were obtained with a hole bottom spacing of 2.48 m and a minimum burden of 1.6 m using the desirability function. This study can provide solutions to the fan-holes blasting difficulties that are encountered with deep mining. Key words: high in-situ stress; fan-holes blasting; numerical simulation; response surface method

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Blast-Induced Rock Fragmentation in Wet Holes | Mining, …

A model with two blast holes was built in LS-DYNA according to actual conditions at Baba-Ali Iron Ore Mine. Geometry and dimensions of the model are demonstrated in Fig. 3. Diameter and depth of the blast hole were 76 mm and 6 m, respectively. The stemming and sub-drilling lengths were 50 and 30 cm, respectively.

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Blast Hole Drilling

Blast hole drilling techniques are used in quarrying, mining and tunneling to derive economic value from rock masses through: Detonating the charges in a planned sequence to achieve different rock fragments. The bulk of blasting in mines involves charging explosives into holes drilled in rock. The mouth of the drill hole is called the collar ...

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Description of mining methods (step by step)

The long-hole mining begins by the excavation of an open raise. The drilling is done from the lower level and the blasting from the upper level. ... (59 ft) high hill in order to take advantage of the local shallow base of oxidation and to limit environmental impact. DEVELOPMENT. Ramp: The ramp is located 60 m to 80 m (197 ft to 262 ft) of the ...

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Innovative Blasting Practices for Underground Hard …

most of the shallow depth ore deposits are in the stage of extinction. To achieve the production pace from underground, the mining with blasting of larger number of holes in a same blasting round was the need. One special …

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Open-Pit Mining | Method and Process | Epiroc US

Open-pit mining technology. Open-pit mining clearly offers a number of economic advantages over underground mining, especially now that mineral-processing technology has advanced to the stage where very low-grade ores can be treated profitably. 100 to 150 years ago, this was not the case, and mining was still much more selective.

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Chapter 2: An introduction to mining

Explosives are used to break and fragment the ore and waste rock. Shallow holes are drilled and filled with explosives blasting the rock to pieces. This is called drilling and blasting. The blasted rock is collected …

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Common Types of Mining Equipment Used in the Mining …

Underground Mining. Minerals, ore, metals, or other goods located deep underground require different techniques for their removal. ... Blast mining: Blast mining uses ... In some cases, though, miners will use rotary drills to dig holes up to 150 feet deep and as shallow as 15 feet. For hammer rock drills, pressure forcefully shoves the bit ...

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Application of Shallow-Hole Blasting in Improving the …

The e ect of shallow-hole blasting on the strata control of deep gob-side retaining entry was studied by comparing two scenarios in the field: a deep gob-side retaining entry with and without shallow-hole blasting. It was found that the convergences of the entry decreased due to the shallow-hole blasting. This indicates that shallow …

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Sublevel Shrinkage (SLSh) Mining—A State-of-the-art Review

Sublevel shrinkage (SLSh) is an underground mining method similar to sublevel caving (SLC) but with continuous backfilling from the top. It features a top-down mining sequence with production drifts orientated in a longitudinal or transverse way in the orebody. Fan drilling and blasting is done from the production drifts, from where the ore …

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Featured Article: Blast And Loose | Global Mining Review

The drill and blast technique is the most common method of mining in open-pit mines. It is often used when a deposit can be accessed from the surface. The process uses a drilling rig to create a series of drill holes before explosives are detonated in these holes to break the rock into small pieces that are removed during the blasting …

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Key words:mining engineering;shallow-hole blasting;hard roof;gob-side entry retaining;roof cutting and pressure relief ;roadside backfill .

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Research on Optimization of an Open-Bench Deep-Hole Blasting …

The blasting quality of open-pit mining can be enhanced and the production cost of stope reduced by establishing a mathematical model for step drilling and blasting costs based on stope consumption. By enhancing the Gray Wolf algorithm, the parameters for step drilling and blasting are optimized, resulting in improved effectiveness for step …

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(PDF) Underground mining Methods

and dip, and the competency of the surrounding rock. nickel mine e xemplifies ). orebody configuration thr ough underground drilling. 1) Longwall mining. 2) Room-and-pillar mining. 3) Blast mining ...

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(PDF) Shallow-hole blasting mechanism and its

Gao et al. [10] explored the transmission of blast stress waves in deep holes and the development law of rock mass fractures and explained the pressure relief principle of the deephole blasting of ...

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(PDF) Mining Methods: Part I-Surface mining

T o mine the ore, these layers ha ve to ... Strip-mining: Blast, scoop off rock . overburden, and then scoop out ore material. ... The glory hole method is best suited to mining on a hillside, and ...

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