Zinc Concentration Plant

High phosphorus supply reduced zinc concentration of …

AimsPhosphorus (P)-induced zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the most commonly studied antagonistic interactions in plant nutrition. However, there are many controversial reports about P–Zn interaction, possibly related to growth conditions. In this study, the effects of P supply on the root uptake and tissue concentrations of Zn as …

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Iron and zinc homeostasis in plants: a matter of trade-offs

Iron and zinc are essential micronutrients in plants, which have evolved homeostatic mechanisms to ensure a proper balance between these two transition metals. However, …

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Zinc in Soils and Plant Nutrition

Hewitt (1966) reported optimum levels of zinc for plants grown in nutrient solution to be from 0.3 to 3.0 @ . I Carroll and Loneragan (1968) grew several species over a range of zinc concentrations. All plants grew well at 0.01 pM zinc and gave maximum growth at 0.25 pM zinc or less.

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A Role for Zinc in Plant Defense Against Pathogens and …

Zinc is a micronutrient essential for all living organisms with a key role in growth, development, and defense. Competition for Zn affects the outcome of the host–attacker …

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Responses of Purple Rice Genotypes to Nitrogen and Zinc …

Plants grown under N60 had grain Zn concentrations from 18.3 mg/kg in KDK to 36.7 mg/kg in KS. Increasing N rate increased grain Zn concentration by 40% in HN, but decreased grain Zn concentration by 12% in …

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A review of phytate, iron, zinc, and calcium concentrations in plant …

Plant-based complementary foods often contain high levels of phytate, a potent inhibitor of iron, zinc, and calcium absorption. This review summarizes the concentrations of phytate (as hexa- and penta-inositol phosphate), iron, zinc, and calcium and the corresponding phytate:mineral molar ratios in 26 indigenous and 27 commercially processed plant …

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Zinc toxicity in plants: a review | Planta

Main conclusion This review highlights the most recent updated information available about Zn phytotoxicity at physiological, biochemical and molecular levels, uptake mechanisms as well as excess Zn homeostasis in plants. Abstract Zinc (Zn) is a natural component of soil in terrestrial environments and is a vital element for plant growth, as it …

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A multilevel sustainability analysis of zinc recovery from …

Zinc is an important nutrient to plants. The typical concentration of zinc in agricultural soil is 10–300 mg/kg (Broadley et al., 2007). Deficiency of zinc in plant can cause chlorosis (discolouration of leaf) and root apex necrosis (dieback) and further lead to reduction in crop yield (Broadley et al., 2007). Toxicity of zinc in soil can ...

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Global patterns and driving factors of plant litter iron, …

Plants may allocate Mn to litter when lignin concentration increases to stimulate C and nutrient cycling between plant and soil. Also, the relatively high concentration of litter Mn may be also attributed to that plants generally do not resorb Mn because high Mn concentration is poisonous to plants (Chen et al., 2021). It is widely …

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Zinc Hyperaccumulation in Plants: A Review

Zn's toxic effects depend on its external bioavailable concentration, exposure time, plant genotype, and step of plant development. The most obvious symptoms of Zn toxicity reported in plants are the inhibition of growth, and chlorosis of young leaves (probably the consequence of lower uptake of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ ), and can …

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Zinc concentrations in serum are associated with the patient's and age as well as the time of the blood draw (morning vs. evening) and ... The absorption of zinc from mixed meals or diets containing a combination of animal-based and plant-based foods is lower than from diets or meals containing animal-based foods only . Table 2 ...

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Zinc as a Versatile Element in Plants: An Overview on Its …

Zinc is an essential micronutrient for both plants and animals. In plants, it plays a vital role in various physiological and metabolic processes, thereby causing an optimal plant growth (Rudani and Prajapati 2018).Zn serves structural, catalytic and regulatory roles in a number of proteins and enzymes such as alcohol dehydrogenase …

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(PDF) Detection and Measurement of Zinc Concentrations …

In a concentration of 100 micro mol/L, zinc suppresses natural killer cell killing and T-cell functions whereas monocytes are activated directly, and in a concentration of 500 micro mol/L, zinc ...

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Role of Zinc Homeostasis in Plant Growth | SpringerLink

Zinc is one of the most important micronutrients required for optimal plant growth and productivity. Paradoxically, a higher concentration of the same can be toxic for the …

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Zinc in soils, water and food crops

1. Introduction. Zinc (Zn) plays a substantial role in many biological processes and is an essential trace element for proper growth and reproduction of plants, and health of animals and humans; it has also been reported to cause contamination of soil, water, and food chains [[1], [2], [3]].In human beings Zn deficiency is associated to diet …

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The optimal rate of zinc foliar spray for achieving significant grain yield response was in the range from 1.0 to 1.5 kg Zn/ha. The potential damages that low-zinc bioavailability in soil can have for plants, humans, and animals. Zinc may also be incorporated as a component of proteins and other macromolecules.

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Agronomic biofortification increases grain zinc concentration …

Zinc fertilization, but not soil type, influenced maize grain Zn concentration and uptake The application of Zn fertilizer increased maize grain Zn concentration and uptake. The application of 30 kg ha −1 Zn compared with the current national recommendation rate of 1 kg Zn ha −1 increased grain Zn concentration by 15%.

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Role of qGZn9a in controlling grain zinc concentration in …

Abstract. Zinc (Zn) is an essential mineral element in many organisms. Zn deficiency in humans causes various health problems; therefore, an adequate dietary Zn intake is required daily. Rice, Oryza sativa, is one of the main crops cultivated in Asian countries, and one of the breeding scopes of rice is to increase the grain Zn levels.

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Mineral Concentration Plant and Milling – …

The concentration of zinc, lead and silver in the mineralized rock extracted from the Jayula and Tesorera pits in the San Cristóbal mine is very low; it is therefore necessary to have the material undergo a …

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Iron and zinc homeostasis in plants: a matter of trade-offs

In most plants, it is estimated that 30–200 μg Zn g −1 dry weight is the optimal physiological zinc concentration. Interactions between iron and zinc homeostatic networks Iron and zinc contents in edible plant parts are controlled by complex and intertwined homeostasis mechanisms involving multiple steps ( Hanikenne et al., 2021 ; …

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(PDF) Zinc in plants

Zinc in plants - An overview. Tsonko Tsonev 1 and Fernando Jose Cebola Lidon 2*. 1 Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G.Bonchev Str., Bl.21, 1113 ...

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Marker–Trait Association Analysis of Iron and …

The Fe and Zn concentrations were analyzed using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Nova 300, Analytic Jena AG), which was calibrated using standard solutions containing different …

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Genotypic variation in milling depression of iron and zinc

Iron, zinc and phosphorus concentration in grain parts. Concentrations of the 3 nutrients varied among the different parts of the rice grain (Table 2). The Fe concentration, which averaged 10 ± 3 (±SE) mg Fe kg −1 in brown rice, was almost halved by milling to 5 ± 2 mg Fe kg −1 in white rice. The embryo and aleurone, which together …

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Role of Zinc Homeostasis in Plant Growth | SpringerLink

Abstract. Zinc is one of the most important micronutrients required for optimal plant growth and productivity. Paradoxically, a higher concentration of the same can be toxic for the plants, and hence, a constant supply of zinc to maintain an optimal intracellular concentration in plants is required which is referred to as zinc homeostasis.

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Zinc as a Versatile Element in Plants: An Overview on Its …

Zinc (Zn) is the second most abundant transition element after iron in living organisms and is categorized as an essential micronutrient to plants. It takes part in various cellular …

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Genetic dissection of grain zinc concentration in spring …

Large variation for grain Zn concentration was observed in crop seasons Y-2012 and Y-2013, with a range of 35.5–67.7 mg/kg and 42.5–80.3 mg/kg, respectively, and mean of 47.8 mg/kg and 56.9 mg ...

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Mechanism of Zinc absorption in plants: uptake, transport

Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient for plants and animals. Unfortunately, deficiency of Zn in humans has increased on a global scale. The main reason of this micronutrient …

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Improve Anthocyanin and Zinc Concentration in Purple

Zinc (Zn) is a micronutrient that plays an important role in plant growth and reproduction (Natasha et al, 2022).It is a major component and activator of several enzymes involved in the metabolic activities of plant growth, and as such is involved in improving crop yield and quality (Khampuang et al, 2021).Zn deficiency adversely reduces yield …

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Zinc Concentration in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grains and …

ABSTRACT Concern over the food chain transfer of zinc (Zn) is increasing because of its importance in human health. A field experiment was conducted on a low Zn soil to determine the effect of different Zn fertilization strategies on grain Zn concentration and Zn allocation in different plant tissues of rice.

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A Role for Zinc in Plant Defense Against Pathogens and Herbivores

Figure 2 Zinc concentration that caused a 50% inhibition of Alternaria brassicicola growth in vitro (Alternaria brassicicola EC 50) and theoretical correspondence between Zn leaf concentration and Zn concentration in solution in Noccaea caerulescens plants grown at 12 and 102 µM Zn (A). Plant and pathogen response curves to metal …

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