Probabilistic multi-pathway human health risk assessment …
This research could provide information about the major contamination routes for the inhabitants and the key factors affecting the health risk levels in the gold mining area. 2. Materials and methods2.1. Study area
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Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils from …
Study Area. The study area is a gold mining area situated some 70 km west of Johannesburg in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. It lies between 26 18' S–26 26' S latitude and 27 23' E–27 31' E longitude. Gold exploration in the area dates back to 1898 and mining started from 1945 to date.
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Gold mining tailing: Environmental availability of metals …
Risk assessment methodologies may be used to characterize the ecological and/or human health risk associated with the exposure to contaminants in the environment (Ciffroy et al., 2018). Traceability risk assessment uses modeling to simulate a potential contamination scenario, such as the collapse of a tailings dam that reaches the soil, …
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Mercury contamination in fish from gold mining areas in …
In the Tatelu region, 154 specimens of 10 fish species 1 were collected from the Talawaan River, and one specimen (gold fish) from a fish farm. Another 19 specimens of 5 marine species 2 and 4 specimens of gold fish from fish farms were bought at the fish market in Manado. In Galangan, 263 specimens of 25 different fish species 3 were …
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Human health risk assessment of exposure to indoor
1. Introduction. Emissions of elemental mercury from artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) activities is a global concern. The sector was estimated to contribute up to 37% of the total global mercury emissions in 2010 (Nakazawa et al., 2016).Generally, exposure to small amounts of mercury can cause serious health problems in humans …
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Framework for the Responsible Gold Mining Principals
The World Gold Council has developed the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (referred to as RGMPs or Principles throughout) to provide a guide to the key elements of …
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Non-Cancer Health Risk Assessment from Exposure to …
Cyanide is a very toxic chemical that is used to extract gold from its ores. Wastewaters from gold mining companies such as Bogoso Gold Limited (BGL) contain cyanide and other potentially toxic chemicals that have adverse effects on human beings and aquatic organisms. This study was conducted to evaluate the human health risk assessment …
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Addressing mercury and other hazards in the artisanal …
in the artisanal gold mining sector through public health interventions: A handbook for health professionals. Version 1. Artisanal Gold Council: Victoria, BC. Acknowledgments Some of the materials used in this handbook were developed and …
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Assessment of trace metal concentration and health risk of …
The objective of this pilot study is to assess the trace metal concentrations and health risk associated with artisanal gold mining operations in the gold city of Ijeshaland, Osun State. The health assessment is very essential due to the fact that, groundwater, in form of hand-dug wells is mostly utilized for domestic and drinking …
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Human health risk assessment of mercury vapor around artisanal small
In this study, we focused on the health risk of Hg(0) exposure among residents of Palu city, many of whom are engaged directly in gold-mining activities. Many locals work as crushers or operators of the ball mills from 07:00 until 16:00 daily ( Balifokus, 2012 ); most of the crushers and operators are women or children.
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Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils from Witwatersrand Gold
The study evaluates the health risk caused by heavy metals to the inhabitants of a gold mining area. In this study, 56 soil samples from five mine tailings and 17 from two mine villages were collected and analyzed for Asernic (As), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu) and Zinc …
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Gold mining tailing: Environmental availability of metals and …
SES for environmental availability of metals in Gold mining tailing. • Lead and manganese present the highest mobility and availability. • Human health risk assessment in a …
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Assessment of occupational safety and health hazards …
This study examined the practices in the small-scale gold mining (SSGM) industry in the Philippines, particularly the working conditions of miners and workers during gold …
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Occupational health and safety risk assessment in the …
The central government should also come up with guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health in artisanal gold mining to facilitate compliance with OSH requirements in the …
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Hazards identified and the need for health risk assessment in …
Although mining plays a prominent role in the economy of South Africa, it is associated with many chemical hazards. Exposure to dust from mining can lead to many pathological …
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Hazards identified and the need for health risk assessment …
Authors: Utembe W, Faustman EM, Matatiele P, Gulumian M Source: Human And Experimental Toxicology, 34(12): 1212-1221 Summary: Although mining plays a prominent role in the economy of South Africa, it is associated with many chemical hazards. Exposure to dust from mining can lead to many pathological effects depending on mineralogical …
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Water quality and health risk assessments of illegal gold mining
This assessment would help to highlight the extent of estuarine deterioration caused by gold mining activities in the Western region of Ghana, as well as the health risk associated with the activities. The information would be important in monitoring and regulating mining activities in the area. 2. Materials and methods2.1. Study sites …
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(PDF) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of a gold …
The planning value of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) as a tool for determining and appraising the environmental feasibility of proposed development projects is widely recognised [1][2][3].
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How is risk assessed?
Step 1: Identify the hazards. In order to identify hazards, you need to understand the difference between a hazard and risk. A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm. Further information: For example, a falling object is a hazard. Being struck on the head by a wrench can be an unwanted event associated with this hazard.
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Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal …
Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in an Artisanal Gold Mining Community of Kogi State, Nigeria May 2022 Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 26(2):202-209
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Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils from …
Study Area. The study area is a gold mining area situated some 70 km west of Johannesburg in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. It lies between 26 18' S–26 26' S latitude and 27 23' E ...
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Ecological and human health risk assessments of …
mium, and mercury as the major metals that pose health risk to the communities of gold miners in the PresteaHuni Valley District of Ghana. Chromium was also reported by Zerizghi et al. (2022) as the predominant ecological and human health risk metal in the Greenside coal mining region in South Africa.
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Gold mining tailing: Environmental availability of metals …
A human health risk assessment was performed considering a scenario of soil contamination by the tailing after failure dam, based on the potential environment availability of metals, resulted from distinct SES studied. The results showed that Mn and Pb are the most labile, and therefore the most dangerous and bioavailable for the …
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We work to create the enabling conditions for companies to exercise due diligence over gold supply chains in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. The RMI added gold as a dedicated focus area in 2011. And, recognizing the complex risk issues unique to gold sourcing and the need to encourage a growing number of small- and medium-scale ...
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Human health risk assessment due to mercury use in gold mining …
The assessment of human health risk due to the presence of hazardous elements in the environment is now necessary for environmental management and legislative initiatives. This study aims to determine the contamination by As, Cd, Pb, and Cr in soils near gold mines in three municipalities located in the Andean region of Colombia.
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Risk assessment education resource
Common terms include audit, review, monitoring and active monitoring. An analytical method of risk assessment to prioritise risks based on the likelihood and consequence. This may take into account the controls and control effectiveness. Risk assessment education resource | Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee.
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Heavy metals contamination and human health risk assessment …
Abstract. Gold mining has increased the prevalence and occurrence of heavy metals contamination at the Earth's surface and is causing major concern due to the potential risk involved. This study investigated the impact of gold mine on heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Fe, Mn, and Zn) pollution and evaluated the potential health risks to ...
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Hazards identified and the need for health risk assessment in …
Mining and processing of minerals also result in occupational exposure to toxic substances such as platinum, chromium, vanadium, manganese, mercury, cyanide and diesel …
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health risk assessment template gold mining
health risk assessment template - gold mining « BINQ Mining. Jun 14, 2013· gold mining companies such as Bogoso Gold Limited (BGL) contain cyanide and … conducted to evaluate the human health risk assessment from exposure to ….. monitored in this study because it is the most toxic form of cyanide complexes in …
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Human health and environmental assessments of small …
The human health risk assessment revealed low hazard quotient and hazard index values less than 1.0 for trace and rare earth elements in environmental samples. The data obtained in this study showed that, the artisanal gold mining activities in the study area may contribute to long term environmental and human health risk.
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