List of Mineral Resources In Nigeria, Their States and Locations
8 Benue State . Clay, Coal, Barite, Gypsium, Iron-Ore, Lead, Zinc, Limestone, Marble & Salt. Benue is located in the middle belt of the country; it is an important historical and cultural zone in the country. Its people were originally warriors, and they played an important part in maintaining the cultural diversity of Nigeria.
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Impact of Dust Emission from Limestone Mining in …
The study of effect of dust emission from exploitation and processing of limestone in some parts of Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State Nigeria, covering latitude 7008' and 7031'N and longitude 8037' and 9010'E was carried out.
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Impact of Dust Emission from Limestone Mining in Gboko, …
Impact of Dust Emission from Limestone Mining in Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria. A. Galadanchi. Environmental Science, Geology. The study of effect of dust emission from …
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The Gboko Limestone, Yandev, Benue State, Nigeria: …
The Gboko Limestone, Yandev, Benue State, Nigeria: Geology, Geochemistry and Industrial Potentials
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The Gboko Limestone, Yandev, Benue State, Nigeria: …
The Cretaceous shallow marine Gboko limestone, Yandev, Nigeria is a component of the sedimentary fill of the 800 km NE-SW trending Benue Trough, Nigeria. The limestone is …
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Impact of Dust Emission from Limestone Mining in Gboko, Benue State
The study of effect of dust emission from exploitation and processing of limestone in some parts of Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State Nigeria, covering 0 internationalpolicybrief Save to Library Save
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Impact of Limestone Mining and Cement Production on …
This research is on the impact of limestone mining and cement production on soils in Yandev, Gboko Benue State, Nigeria. The core cutter method was used to sample the soil physical parameters. Student’s t-test was used to compare the bulk density, porosity and moisture content of the control and impacted sites and the extent …
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(PDF) Geology and mineral resources of Ebonyi State, …
*Corresponding author: onwedaniel1979@gmail, Tel.: +234 803 572 4421 ABSTRACT Ebonyi State is underlain at depth by the Precambrian Basement Complex and by Cretaceous sedimentary units which include the Abakaliki Formation, Nkalagu Limestone, Amasiri Sandstone and Afikpo Sandstone and spans through Southern Benue Trough …
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Preliminary investigations on the beneficiation of the …
Keywords: limestone, soda ash, industrial specifications, milk of lime and Portland cement 1. Introduction The object of this study is to do a preliminary investigation and reporting on the industrial qualities of the Wadatta limestone in Benue State, Nigeria. At present the popular Benue State cement company is the only source of locally ...
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Geology and Mineral Resources of Kogi State, Nigeria
Kwara State and Benue State and it has twenty one (21) Lo cal . ... principally limestone. Sandstone, a sedimentary rock, is composed mainly of quartz. ... mining a nd quarrying are easily ...
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Title: The Gboko Limestone, Yandev, Benue State, Nigeria: …
The Cretaceous shallow marine Gboko limestone, Yandev, Nigeria is a component of the sedimentary fill of the 800 km NE-SW trending Benue Trough, Nigeria. The limestone is made up of thin bedded to massive limestone beds interspersed with laminated grey shale having foraminifera as the dominant fossil.
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(PDF) Solid Mineral Deposits and Mining in Nigeria: -A …
In contrast, the mining sector in Nigeria, is virtually "non-existent", and only contributes about 0.5% to the country's GDP (0.01% from metals), and accounting for about 0.02% of mineral exports ...
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Gov. Alia's solid steps to exploit Benue's solid minerals
Benue might not be the state with the highest number of mineral resources in Nigeria, but the state has abundant mineral resources that have not been fully tapped and can be used to develop the state. Some of the minerals found in Benue State, both mined and untapped, include Baryte, Limestone, Gypsum, Natural gas, Lead, zinc, …
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Where is limestone found in Nigeria
States where limestone is found in Nigeria. We have mentioned some of the states where limestone is found, now let's get into more details about these locations: Gombe State – limestone is found …
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The Azara barite deposits formed parts of Middle Benue Trough which is located in an elongated rift (or faulted-bounded) mega structural depression trending NE-SW to a length of over 1000 km and a ...
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Untapped Riches: Exploring Benue State's Wealth of Mineral …
From gold, lead, and zinc to coal, limestone, and salt, Benue State contains substantial deposits of minerals that could catalyse transformative economic growth for the state …
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Impact of Limestone Mining and Cement Production on …
content, which are soil physical characteristics that affect plant growth, in the mining sites in Yandev, Benue State, Nigeria: to see if they affect these physical properties of the soil. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY ENVIRONMENT Yandev in Gboko Local Government Area in Benue State, Nigeria, is nestled within longitudes 9º 10' 00"E and 9º
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Lead-Zinc-Barytes mineralization in the Benue Trough, …
The mining of galena and sphalerite for their metal content has been possible owing to the high cost of transport and low metal prices. The Nigerian lead-zinc-barytes field extends for about 560km in a narrow belt from Ishiagu in the Lower Benue Trough through Azara in the Middle Benue Trough to Gidan Dari in the Upper Benue Trough. Many
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List of Middle Belt States in Nigeria: All You Need To Know
The annual Benue Trade Fair showcases its agricultural produce and solid minerals. Benue is also Nigeria's largest producer of oranges and mangoes and has large cattle ranching activities. Industrial activities include food processing, brewing, and mining of limestone, gypsum, kaolin, and lead-zinc.
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Large deposit of limestone in Ebonyi
Jun 7 2019. Nkalagu is a town in Ishielu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. It is notable for having a large deposit of limestone which provided the raw material for the large cement plant of the Nigerian Cement Company (Nigercem). Nkalagu is the headquarters of Ishielu West Development Centre and has five major villages: Ishiagu ...
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Measurement of Environmental Radioactivity within Dangote …
The radioactivity of rocks from Dangote Cement excavation site in Gboko, Benue State were monitored and measured using the radiation meter inspector 06250 and dose meter 6150AD 2/4/6.
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(PDF) Measurements of Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity
PDF | On Mar 26, 2018, A Olanrewaju and others published Measurements of Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity in Surface Soil, Mineral Rock and Consumable Water around Mining Sites in Benue State ...
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Effect of Mining Activities on Vegetation Composition …
recent environmental impact studies of limestone mining in Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria, has also revealed a decline in kola nut output from the plantations within a few kilometers radius of the mine (Adekoya, 2003; Tolulope, 2004; ... Government Area of Benue State, which is located in the Northern part of the State. It is situated between ...
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Limestone Deposits In Nigeria, Its Uses, And Locations
Limestone deposit in Nigeria is majorly deposited in Cross River and Ebonyi states but can still be found in a commercial deposits in Abia, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, …
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(PDF) The environmental implications of the exploration …
Economically, the presence of the mining industry contributes to the diversification of people's livelihoods, such as opening up new jobs for local people as company employees (Izzudin et al., 2022).
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Geology and Occurrences of Limestone and Marble in …
Marble is a metamorphosed limestone. Limestone and marble are carbonate rocks, dominated by the mineral calcite (CaCO3). Nigeria is endowed with large deposits of limestone and marble located in all parts of the country. The limestone at Mfamosing, near Calabar, is the largest and the purest deposit in Nigeria.
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Limestone exploitation: Benue community protests over …
Residents of Tse-Kucha community in the Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State have protested against Dangote Cement Company over alleged neglect following the limestone dust ravaging the ...
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Untapped minerial resources in Benue State – I am Benue
Am from Benue State but was born and breadth outside. Am a Politician and a business woman am into mining (quarry),married to a foreigner . Am interested in known more about Benue state Mineral Resources. I can help in getting foreign inventors. Only if there is an opened door policy from the Government which the present Government lack.
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Gemstone and Other Solid Mineral Resources in Benue State …
Known as the "food basket of the nation", Benue State is blessed with at least 13 solid mineral resources including limestone, kaolinite, barite, iron-ore, wolframite, marble, …
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Impact of Limestone Mining and Cement Production on …
Abstract-This research is on the impact of limestone mining and cement production on soils in Yandev, Gboko Benue State, Nigeria. The core cutter method was used to …
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