Froth Flotation Slow Cooled Copper Slag

Upgrading copper slag cleaning tailings for re-use

Tailings from an industrial copper slag cleaning milling and flotation circuit have been pre-reduced at low temperatures, well below its melting point, using CH 4 -H 2 -Ar mixtures with the aim of metallizing its iron oxide component to metallic iron. The treatment carried out at 700–900 °C, with a duration of up to 90 min, indicated a ...

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(PDF) Study Of The Copper Flotation From Copper Smelter Slag…

At the same time, seawater is an alternative for froth flotation, given the current prevailing water crisis. The present paper study of froth flotation of copper, from smelting slag, using not desalinated seawater as fresh water. The higher copper recovery obtained was 77.27%. Keywords: Copper-Slag-Seawater-Froth Flotation 1.

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Recovery of valuable metals from copper slag | Mining, …

3.1 Sulfation roasting–water leaching 3.1.1 Effect of H 2 SO 4 addition. To determine the consumption of H 2 SO 4 in the sulfation roasting process, a predetermined weight of 98% H 2 SO 4 was mixed with the raw copper slag and then roasted at 200 °C for 1 h. The H 2 SO 4 addition varied in a range of 30–80 wt% (mass ratio of 98% H 2 SO …

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shibang/sbm milling and flotation of slow cooled copper slag…

shibang / sbm milling and flotation of slow cooled copper dushusbm c4a532c29b code. 19:24:26 +08:00

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Review on Comprehensive Recovery Valuable Metals and

Fortunately, a stepwise extraction process was proposed to recover valuable elements (copper, iron, lead, and zinc) from waste copper slag. Which the flotation was …

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Recovery of Copper from Slow Cooled Ausmelt Furnace Slag …

The phases and composition of the slow cooled slag were analyzed. The factors which affected the copper recovery efficiency such as grinding fineness, pH value of flotation …

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The recovery of copper, by flotation, from calcium

Physical separation of copper from copper smelter slag through froth flotation has been studied extensively (Sarrafi et al., 2004; Bruckard et al., 2004; Guo et al., 2016). Sarrafi et al. (2004 ...

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Copper recovery from copper slags through flotation …

The metal in copper slag was recovered by flotation. • Sodium carbonate and mechanical activation strengthen flotation. • The mechanism of activated flotation of …

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Mechanism of Mineral Phase Reconstruction for Improving …

These processes primarily include leaching to recover the copper,4,5 smelting reduction or direct reduction and wet magnetic separation to recover the iron,6,7 and froth flotation to recover the nonferrous metals.8,9 In particular, froth flotation has been very successful at recovering copper from slowly cooled copper slag in industrial ...

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Upgrading copper slag cleaning tailings for re-use

Tailings from an industrial copper slag cleaning milling and flotation circuit have been pre-reduced at low temperatures, well below its melting point, using CH 4-H 2-Ar mixtures with the aim of metallizing its iron oxide component to metallic iron.The treatment carried out at 700–900 °C, with a duration of up to 90 min, indicated a complete …

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Effect of Cooling Rate and Slag Modification on the …

froth flotation methods are quite common when dealing with slow-cooled slags. Before flotation, the slag needs to be cooled inacontrolledmanner. Therearemultipleoptionsforthis,such ... mance of copper slag, finding that it was possible to obtain a Clarification The designation of corresponding author is correct. Ari Jokilaakso is …

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Recovering Value from End-of-Life Batteries by Integrating Froth …

In this study, industrial lithium-ion battery (LIB) waste was treated by a froth flotation process, which allowed selective separation of electrode particles from metallic-rich fractions containing Cu and Al. In the flotation experiments, recovery rates of ~80 and 98.8% for the cathode active elements (Co, Ni, Mn) and graphite were achieved, …

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Recovering Value from End-of-Life Batteries by Integrating Froth …

Froth Flotation and Pyrometallurgical Copper-Slag Cleaning T ommi Rinne 1, Anna Klemettinen 1, Lassi Klemettinen 1, Ronja Ruismäki 1, Hugh O'Brien 2, Ari Jokilaakso 1 and Rodrigo Serna ...

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Hydrophobic-surface of copper from converter slag in the flotation …

STUDY ON COPPER CONCENTRATING FROM CONVERTER SLAG OF COPPER SMELTER. L. Xiaolei. Materials Science, Engineering. 2001. Floatation process to deal with converter slag from copper smelter is studied in this paper The grade of copper concentrate and the copper recovery are 29 82% and 93 58% by adopting a …

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Review on Comprehensive Recovery Valuable Metals …

copper slag is generated, and 70 million tons of copper slag is produced worldwide each year []. At present, a large 3 amount of copper slag occupies land and wastes resources, and the harmful elements contained in it always threaten human living environment and health, such as arsenic [4, 5]. The mineral phase of copper slag consists predomi-

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sbm/sbm copper slag milling and flotation at …

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Recovering Value from End-of-Life Batteries by …

Froth Flotation and Pyrometallurgical Copper-Slag Cleaning Tommi Rinne 1, Anna Klemettinen 1, Lassi Klemettinen 1, Ronja Ruismäki 1, Hugh O'Brien 2, Ari Jokilaakso 1 and Rodrigo Serna-Guerrero 1,* 1 Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University,

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Recovery of Copper from Slow Cooled Ausmelt Furnace Slag …

Abstract. Ausmelt furnace slag contains about 0.9% Cu (mass %). With increasing the amount of Ausmelt furnace slag, the recovery of copper from it will produce an enormous economic yield. The recovery of copper by floatation from slow cooled Ausmelt furnace slag was studied in this paper. The phases and composition of the slow cooled …

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Hydration properties of alkali-activated quick cooled copper slag …

The hydration properties of quick cooled copper slag (QCS) and slow cooled copper slag (SCS) activated with 4% and 8% (by Na 2 O mass) sodium hydroxide (NA) and water glass (NS) were investigated by hydration heat. Meanwhile, the hydration degrees and hydration products of alkali-activated copper slags were determined by X …

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1 Froth Flotation – Fundamental Principles

After carrying out a froth flotation separation, the products are as shown in Table 1. Using this data, calculate: (a) Ratio of concentration (b) % Metal Recovery (c) % Metal Loss (d) % Weight Recovery, or % Yield (e) Enrichment Ratio Table 1: Grade/recovery performance of a hypothetical copper ore flotation process.

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Sustainable and Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag: …

Metal Losses to the Slag in Smelting and Converting. 80% of the copper produced from ores worldwide originates from sulfide ores. The copper concentrate which results from flotation of the ore is typically smelted and converted to blister copper [].During smelting S and Fe are oxidized, where SiO 2 is added to form a liquid ferric or …

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Improving Separation of Cu–Fe from Copper Slag by

Copper slag is a waste during pyrometallurgical production of copper from copper sulfide concentrates. Generally, 2.0–3.0 tons of copper slag are generated per ton of copper production, depending on the properties of raw materials and operating conditions [1,2,3,4].It is estimated that approximately 12 million tons of copper slag is …

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Efficient recovery of copper from copper smelting slag by …

Therefore, the molten copper slag in the slag ladle was cooled slowly to nearly 1000 ℃, and then treated by water quenching, which could not only achieve better flotation efficiency …

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Enhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in …

Slag cleaning can be divided into two types, first being the pyrometallurgical reduction and settling of liquid slag, which is performed in slag-cleaning furnaces, and the second type being the mineral processing-based slag cleaning of solidified or granulated slag by crushing and/or grinding followed by gravity concentration or froth flotation ...

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Characteristics and utilisation of copper slag—a review

Air-cooled copper slag has a black colour and glassy appearance. The specific gravity varies with iron content, from a low of 2.8 to as high as 3.8. The unit weight of copper slag is somewhat higher than that of conventional aggregate. The absorption capacity of the material is typically very low (0.13%).

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(PDF) Study Of The Copper Flotation From Copper Smelter Slag…

The present paper study of froth flotation of copper, from smelting slag, using not desalinated seawater as fresh water. The higher copper recovery obtained was 77.27%., Under #200 Taylor mesh ...

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Industrial Tests to Modify Molten Copper Slag for

Closed-circuit flotation tests were conducted to confirm that the modification of the molten slag was effective. Compared with the original slag, the copper recovery was increased obviously from 69.15% to 73.38% and the copper grade of concentrates was elevated slightly from 20.24% to 21.69% in the flotation process for the modified slag.

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Importance of mineralogy and reaction kinetics for

Roasting of copper converter slag containing 4.03% copper, 1.98% nickel and 0.48% cobalt with ammonium sulphate open to atmosphere has been carried out in order to achieve sulphation of copper ...

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Stepwise Utilization Process to Recover Valuable Components from Copper

Sulfide particles in copper smelting slag can be readily recovered by the slow cooling-grinding-froth flotation technology, and more than 15 million tons of smelting slag is processed with this ...

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Recovery of metal values from copper slag and reuse of …

Recovery of copper from copper slag by physical beneficiation using froth flotation was studied by Sarrafi et al. ... collector to recover the copper from the ground copper slag and indicated that a slow-cooled slag would be more favorable for better copper recovery. Flotation of ground copper slag was also studied by Bruckard et al. …

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