Suction Dredging In Placer Mining

The Forest Service battles placer mining with an obscure law

To squeeze gold from streams, miners have turned to suction dredging, which uses motors to suck up riverbed sediments and wash out the gold, discharging the muddy …

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Apply for a Permit | Mining | Habitat Permits, Alaska …

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) designed the Application for Permits to Mine in Alaska (APMA) to assist the mining industry with the permitting process. The APMA is an application form for the permits required to explore for and mine locatable minerals and to conduct reclamation. Each year a miner intends to conduct mining ...

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Studies of Suction Dredge Gold-Placer Mining …

Along the North Fork Fortymile River, and just below its confluence with the South Fork (fig. 1), mining is limited to a few small suction dredges which, combined, produce as much …

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Department of Natural Resources

Division of Mining, Land and Water . Fact Sheet: Suction Dredging . Suction dredging is a popular form of recovering gold from the numerous placer streams in Alaska. Various sizes of suction dredges are used from "recreational" models with a small 1½ inch intake hose to large, heavy dredges with 8 inch and 10

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Small Scale Mining Permits

Apply for a Permit. Small Scale Mining Permits. Fish Habitat Permits for Small Scale Mining are issued by the Habitat Section for: Use of a suction dredge with an intake diameter of six inches or less and powered by an engine 18 horsepower or less. Use of a sluice box and small water pump (18 horsepower or less) to process material gathered ...

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Dredge & Placer Mining

Dredge and placer mining is the extraction of minerals containing particles of gold or other valuable minerals, using suction dredges with a nozzle eight inches in diameter or more. …

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Department of Natural Resources

Suction dredging is a popular form of recovering gold from the numerous placer streams in Alaska. Various sizes of suction dredges are used from "recreational" models with a …

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Gold and Fish: Rules for Mineral Prospecting and Placer Mining …

If you want to conduct mineral prospecting or mining activities at different times or locations, or with different equipment than allowed in this pamphlet, you must apply for a separate, written HPA. Please refer to the Department of Ecology mineral prospecting website to see if your proposed activity is in an allowed area.

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BC Placer

To use mechanized equipment, (also known as machine digging) or to go beyond the hand-mining rules in Information Update No. 38, you need a Mines Act Permit, also known as a Reclamation Permit. This includes using a suction dredge even if it is more than 10 metres from a creek. (Using a suction dredge in a creek is generally against the law).

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Rules for mineral prospecting and placer mining

The length of a registered mining claim, or; 1,300 linear feet of stream if the project is not conducted on a registered claim; Annual reporting discontinued. The annual reporting requirement included in some suction dredging HPAs has been eliminated. Permit holders are no longer required to submit annual reports of suction dredge activity to WDFW.

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Hand Held Suction Dredge | Hand Operated Gold Dredge

Designed to mine placer gold from creeks and streams with the ability to replace the valve gasket in the field. The new patented valve is designed to eliminate clogging and spitting …

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This packet is applicable to placer mining, hardrock exploration, and suction dredging operations. Miners are encouraged to submit your application early, as applications are processed in the order that they are received. Please note that processing times are increased during the summer operating season. Also,

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Placer Mining on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest

Microsoft Word - 20190415 CTNF Placer Mining Pamphlet.doc. For more information about prospecting and mining on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest, contact: US Forest Service Caribou-Targhee National Forest 1405 Hollipark Drive …

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Studies of Suction Dredge Gold-Placer Mining Operations …

Studies of Suction Dredge Gold-Placer Mining Operations Along the Fortymile River, Eastern Alaska. January 1, 1997. View Document. No abstract available.

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Gold Dredge Equipment + Prospecting FAQs & 11 Helpful Tips

A gold dredge is a placer mining machine that extracts gold from sand, gravel, and dirt using water and mechanical methods. The original gold dredges were large, multi-story machines built in the first half of the 1900s. ... A suction dredge is a gas-powered or electric-powered machine that uses a suction hose to suck up gold-bearing …

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Dredging and diving for gold nuggets: Placer Mining and how to dredge

These are 1) The suction nozzle where the jet is up at the nozzle point, and 2) The power jet where the jet is located up near the sluice box. In addition to pumping water, the small engine also produces compressed air for the diver to use while underwater. In cases where the water is shallow the gold diver may simply use a snorkel.

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Comment Letter

A report on the water quality cumulative effects of placer mining on the Chugach National Forest, Alaska found that, "The results from water quality sampling do ... Suction dredge mining has been going on in the state of California for the last 50 years, with no recorded ill effects from the activity. A suction dredge remains the

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FACTUAL AND PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND Suction dredge mining is a method of placer mining that uses a floating watercraft device with a pump to suck water, riverbed sands, and minerals through a nozzle. The water and riverbed material are run through a "sluice box," where gold and other heavy metals are separated out. Water, …

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Learn if you can suction dredge for placer gold mining

But in Yukon, you need the proper mineral rights and permits to dredge. Because of the negative impacts that suction dredging has on fish and their habitat, it is unlikely that you'll get the permits. If you apply, expect your application to take up to 1 year. To get mineral title you must complete either: on-the-ground staking of a placer ...

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Suction dredge mining is a method of placer mining that uses a floating watercraft device with a pump to suck water, riverbed sands, and minerals through a nozzle. The water and riverbed material are run through a "sluice box," where gold and other heavy metals are separated out.

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Dredge and Placer Mining – Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Idaho Dredge and Placer Mining Protection Act apply to suction dredges? Only those larger than 8-inch diameter intake. The rest are regulated on the beds of …

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PLP Update: The Path for Legally Re-Starting Suction Gold Dredge Mining

June 2020 by Public Lands for the People. Public Lands for the People (PLP) is conservatively projecting a path for legally reopening gold suction dredging mining starting in 2021 provided that two obstacles are resolved, which are: 1) Prohibitive state regulatory programs that have become dysfunctional and prohibitive to the suction …

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Studies of Suction Dredge Gold-Placer Mining …

Two sites were studied where suction dredges were operating in the North Fork Fortymile River, as shown in figure 1. Samples were collected on a grid extending downstream from the dredges as they were operating and compared to measurements made upstream of the dredges. One dredge had a 10-inch diameter intake hose and was working relatively ...

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segment is open for recreational suction dredging and gold panning. No claims or lease applications will be accepted by the Idaho Department of Lands for this river section as it has been designated as open to the general public as a recreational mining site. The bed of the main Payette River from Banks in Sec. 32, T9N, R3E, B.M. …

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Bucketwheel Suction Dredging

There are two basic types of bucketwheels used in the suction dredging configuration. The closed or curved bottom type whose shape closely resembles the dry reclaimer type. The open bottom bucket type which would be a later development on the closed bottom variety. The closed bottom type was, we believe, the first type to be used …

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Gold and Fish Pamphlet: Rules for Mineral Prospecting …

or methods (including, but not restricted to, suction dredges, dryland dredges, gravity dredges, power sluice/suction dredge combinations, motorized highbankers or power sluices, spiral wheels, and vac- pacs) in any waters of the state. You may apply for a written HPA for approval to use motorized or gravity siphon aquatic mining methods

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Small Suction Dredge General Permit – AKG375000 …

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Small Suction Dredge Placer Miners General Permit. Attention: DEC switched to a new online application system on June 6, 2022. The older OASys system is now inactive. Instructions for the new EDMS system are included below. ... DEC Mining Section: Phone: 907-451-2142; Email:

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A placer deposit can be in a natural watercourse or an ancient river channel high above a stream. The Idaho Placer and Dredge Mining Protection Act was passed as an initiative vote in 1954. Over the years, several changes have been made, but the basic components of the 1954 Act still stand: Placer mining requires a permit; Every permit must ...

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The Forest Service battles placer mining with an obscure law

California banned suction dredging in 2009; Idaho restricts it on certain rivers. ... Larger-scale placer mining could destroy Native American artifacts in the riverbanks, the agency stated, and ...

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Mining Methods-Part III Surface mining- Placer Mining

necessary. Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation. Surface mining- Plac er mining 3. Placer mining are among the most economical of all mining methods but can only be applied to. limited categories of ...

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